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Installation videos on YouTube @Bimmer-Garage

Instructions: How do I wire the AngelEyes to my E46?

Anleitung: Wie verkabele ich die AngelEyes überhaupt an meinen E46?

Berdar Gülcubuk |

There are two recommended ways to wire the Angel Eyes .

What do you need?

-The Angel Eyes, which you have already purchased from and installed according to our installation instructions.

-A simple thin extension cable from the hardware store.

-The soldering iron set from .

engine open, E46


In this variant, the original parking lights, including the bulb, remain inside the engine to prevent errors in the speedometer.

Use the soldering iron set to extend the connections so that the red positive cable reaches the red positive terminal in the engine compartment. Wrap the cable under the thick screw.

Extend the black cable (minus) until it is at the top left of the engine compartment (where the battery is on the 4-cylinder models and an empty compartment on the 6-cylinder models).

There is a black rubber cover which needs to be solved.

Make a small hole in it and thread the cable through it. Put the cable through the hole into the glove compartment (now you'll have to do a bit of fiddling)

Now you can close the rubber cover.

In the glove compartment on the left there is a rectangular plastic part which is levered out.

glove compartment, hand opens power connectionPower connection is outside, finger holds small part

There are now three holes into which the cable is pushed and glued.

Depending on how the cable is held, the cable will go in somewhere else. So test your way through the three connection holes and see where the light (Angel Eyes) is concerned.

As a second

For this variant, you unplug the small parking light bulbs and connect the wires from the Angel Eyes to the parking light cable.

ATTENTION : This will lead to error messages in the speedometer and we always recommend the first option!

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